Multi-stakeholder processes were at the heart of the Massire project approach. These processes were based on a common objective and actions discussed and validated with local actors. These actions included a range of activities (see the different work areas of the project):

  • in-depth studies
  • collective reflection, in particular to share knowledge
  • a consultation process, particularly around the testing of innovations
  • capacity building and networking
  • communication and capitalisation activities

In Morocco

  • The mechanisms for achieving artificial recharge of aquifers for agricultural use, within a territorial vision ensuring equitable access to the resource.
  • The setting up of a Collaborative Watch of Oasis and Rural Territories. The aim is to set up an observation system, supported by local actors and requiring few resources, so that this system is sustainable without the funding of development projects.
  • Identification of ways of using solar energy for irrigation as part of sustainable development trajectories.
  • Options for reuse of treated wastewater for agriculture.
  • Options for the development of the apple sector in mountain areas.
  • Identification of options for the emergence of organic date production from production to valorisation, including palm “by-products”.
  • The characterisation of new irrigation techniques, allowing a more efficient use of water resources.

In Algeria

  • Support for a collective reflection on the means of treating and mobilising wastewater for irrigation in Ghardaïa.
  • Support for a reflection on good territorial coordination around the installation and management of wells-captors, allowing groundwater recharge, to improve the sustainability of agriculture in the new agricultural extensions.
  • The development and marketing of saffron production in the Berriane region. This crop is a recent innovation in the Ghardaïa region. It is also of particular interest because of the strong role of women in the post-harvest process (pruning and drying).
  • Support for the development of the different varieties of date palm in the M’Zab valley, both in terms of the dates and the by-products. Many innovations have emerged in recent years, particularly in terms of date processing.
  • Specific work on the dairy sector. This sector is undergoing strong development, making Ghardaïa one of the main dairy basins in the country, but with the challenge of managing organic waste.
  • An analysis of the development of goat and camel breeding, which is very present in the wilaya of Ghardaïa.

In Tunisia

  • Improving biodiversity and sustainable management of resources, thanks to new practices and better valorisation of different products, both in Kebili and Medenine.
  • Enhanced water management for irrigation, involving different components: 1) design of scenarios for a sustainable development of the currently illegal palm grove extension areas in Kebili; 2) improvement of the functioning of farmers’ organisations in charge of water management in traditional areas; 3) improvement of irrigation and drainage practices and management.
  • Support for the integration of young people in the agricultural sector.
  • Strengthening the socio-economic and solidarity structures of rural women.
  • Strengthening of value chains, particularly local crops in marginal areas.
  • An observatory for the sustainability of agricultural extensions.
  • Varietal adaptation of barley to salinity.